Monday, January 17, 2011

VoraX 2.7 Released

By this post I want to let you know that VoraX 2.7 is available for download. The most important improvement this version brings out to light is a better way to define your key mappings for VoraX commands. No more VoraX event handler bullshit! Starting with this version you may define these mappings using a few g:vorax_key_for_* global variables. For example, my vimrc file contains now the following:

let g:vorax_key_for_exec_buffer = "<F8>"
let g:vorax_key_for_exec_sql = "<Leader>e"
let g:vorax_key_for_exec_one = "<Leader>1"
let g:vorax_key_for_describe = "<Leader>d"
let g:vorax_key_for_describe_verbose = "<Leader>D"
let g:vorax_key_for_explain_plan = "<F5>"
let g:vorax_key_for_explain_only = "<S-F5>"
let g:vorax_key_for_fuzzy_search = "??"
let g:vorax_key_for_goto_def = "gd"
let g:vorax_key_for_toggle_logging = "<Leader>l"

Of course, you're free to choose whatever you want. You are no longer bound to the default VoraX key mappings.

There are also a couple of bug fixes. They are detailed into the changelog.


Unknown said...

when I put a line with definition to .vimrc
Error detected while processing .vimrc:
line 43:
E121: Undefined variable: g:vorax_key_for_connect
line 44:
E121: Undefined variable: g:vorax_key_for_oradoc_search
line 45:
E121: Undefined variable: g:vorax_key_for_toggle_db_explorer
line 46:
E121: Undefined variable: g:vorax_key_for_toggle_conn_window
line 47:
E121: Undefined variable: g:vorax_key_for_toggle_result_window
line 48:
E121: Undefined variable: g:vorax_key_for_oradoc_under_cursor


when I put it to s:vorax_handler.buf_register_keys() dict it works

Alexandru Tică said...

What exactly do you put in your .vimrc? Can you paste it here?